
Even if you already know what you would like to achieve as a company, the path to get there is never continious. Staff shortages, new laws and regulations and increasing interest rates are a few examples of factors that influence your path. The environment changes quickly and is unpredictable. The natural tendency is to mainly see risks, but if you look carefully, you will see that change also offers opportunities.

De Ruijter Strategy supports companies in noticing and thinking through these developments in order to be prepared for both risks and opportunities. We do this in a data-driven and reasoned manner. Together with you, we create a plan that will help you achieve your goals – thanks to and despite – changes. We do this by mobilizing the knowledge and enthusiasm in your organization in a structured process. Thanks to this co-creation, the strategy does not become ours, but yours. We have 30 years of experience with this approach of working. We guide and relieve you from start to finish, from questioning and process design to guidance and drawing up the plan.

A business continually makes plans to be in a good position in the future, from a business strategy to business unit and department plans. You do not run a business alone and there are countless views both inside and outside the organization on how the company should develop. Especially in a rapidly changing, unpredictable context. Market leaders in business have no one to follow, so they will have to explore and shape the future themselves. We help companies think through the prospective market context and, based on that understanding, create durable and simultaneously agile strategies.

What is distinctive about our working method is that we develop this together with you and your employees. In this way we create the necessary ownership to actually implement the plan. Our support consists of:

  • Future-oriented market explorations using scenarios, both qualitative and quantitative
  • Exploring the opportunities and risks
  • Mapping options incl. making business cases
  • Defining mission and vision
  • Initiating future-oriented innovation.

Industries where we regularly support companies with strategy:

  • Construction companies
  • Financial service providers

Publications in this sector

Vision & strategy

Where do you want to go? Set your course

Trends & scenarios

What’s coming your way? Get a grip on uncertainty


Controlled by current concerns? Learn to look beyond tomorrow

Speakers & lectures

Need inspiration? Discover the future with us

Work with us

Time for a change? Come work at De Ruijter Strategy

“Bad scenario’s don’t exist, only bad preperation.”

Paul de Ruijter

“By using language and visuals, we can create the future today.”

Jolanda van Heijningen

“The future cannot be forecasted, but it can be foreseen.”

Renate Kenter

“History shows us how unpredictable the future can be.”

Friso van Nimwegen

“The complexity of the future requires multidimensional thinking, anticipating and acting.”

Sharda Tewari

“Being well prepared is better than hoping that things will work out.”

Reinier Hattink

“Conducting research about the future is the greatest thing there is.”

Femke Pennink

“Without having a clear strategic goal, you are the puppet of circumstances.”

Kwint Kramer

“To be able to think about the future, you need to have the figures in order.”

Jannie Pruimers-Lanenga

“Discovering connections between data and trends remains fascinating.”

Iris Lijkendijk