Biofuel as a real option

Freek van Essen is corporate strategy director at Air France-KLM. He states that using scenario based strategy in the airline industry is not easy.

The airline industry is a highly competitive, global and very volatile industry. If something happens in the world, no matter what, it almost always has an effect on airlines in terms of demand (and price levels), as well as cost levels. This causes the profitability margins in this industry to be very thin. And this affects how people think; they tend to be very operationally driven, focused on risk reduction and minimizing the impact of volatility. Long term investmensts can only be done once, since the margins are so thin. In those complex circumstances, decision-makers often prefer one ‘truth’ about the future. They are not aways looking for the many options and uncertainties of scenario planning.

However, when scenario planning is used, it can lead to important new insights. Air France-KLM for example has created an option as an outcome of using scenario based strategy: biojet fuel as an alternative to fossil fuel.

Below, you can find a summary of Freek van Essen’s speech or watch the summary video.

“Bad scenario’s don’t exist, only bad preperation.”

Paul de Ruijter

“By using language and visuals, we can create the future today.”

Jolanda van Heijningen

“The future cannot be forecasted, but it can be foreseen.”

Renate Kenter

“History shows us how unpredictable the future can be.”

Friso van Nimwegen

“The complexity of the future requires multidimensional thinking, anticipating and acting.”

Sharda Tewari

“Being well prepared is better than hoping that things will work out.”

Reinier Hattink

“Conducting research about the future is the greatest thing there is.”

Femke Pennink

“Without having a clear strategic goal, you are the puppet of circumstances.”

Kwint Kramer

“To be able to think about the future, you need to have the figures in order.”

Jannie Pruimers-Lanenga

“Discovering connections between data and trends remains fascinating.”

Iris Lijkendijk

“”One cannot drive with just the rearview mirror; look ahead and overtake! That’s the essence of scenario planning.””

Aryzo Arrindell