MSc. Paul de Ruijter (Business Engineering, University of Twente) has been involved in scenario and strategy projects for over 25 years. Paul developed his expertise at Shell Group Planning in London, at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam and at Global Business Network in the United States.
Since 1996, together with his team, Paul has been invoved in international strategy projects with clients ranging from cities, NGO’s, ministries, industry associations, multinationals and global institutions. Moreover, Paul is distinguished Lecturer at Nyenrode University, where he emphazises the importance of putting the future on the agenda among professionals and directors.
“Bad scenario’s don’t exist, only bad preperation.”
Paul de Ruijter
With De Ruijter Strategy Paul been involved in hundreds of projects with clients ranging from ministries, banks, businesses, pension funds, insurers and municipalities.
Paul is author of:
- Scenario Based Strategy: Navigate the Future (Routledge, 2014), ISBN 978-1-4724-3717-4 (with Henk Alkema; available as e-book).
- Klaar om te wenden. Handboek voor de strateeg (Scriptum, 2011), ISBN 978-90-5594-712-6 (with Saskia Stolk and Henk Alkema).
- ‘Viewing Futures Network: Collaborative Learning and Innovation at Rabobank’, in: Bill Sharpe and Kees van der Heijden eds., Scenarios for Success. Turning Insights into Action (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2007), ISBN 978-0-470-51298-2.
- Vereniging met toekomst. Scenario’s en strategie voor branche- en beroepsorganisaties (VM Uitgevers, 2006), ISBN 978-90-808943-6-5 (with Hans-Peter Lassche).
… and co-author of:
- A.N.G. Jansen e.a., Regeren is vooruitzien! Scenario’s maken en gebruiken voor beleidsontwikkeling, wetgeving en handhaving (Expertisecentrum Rechtspleging en Handhaving, 2007), ISBN 90-807303-2-7.
- Philip J. Idenburg e.a., Oog voor de toekomst. Over marketing en consumenten in een veranderende samenleving (Scriptum, 2004), ISBN 978-90-559433-1-9.
- Maarten J. Aalders e.a., Overheid en industrie: in vijftig jaar van industrialisatie naar kenniseconomie (Teldersstichting, 1999).
In his free time, Paul is a passionate sailer and dancer and enjoys traveling to adventurous destinations together with his wife.