Scenario Based Strategy – Navigate the Future

Paul de Ruijter’s latest book, published by Gower, is called Scenario Based Strategy – Navigate the Future. The inspiring, yet practical book Scenario Based Strategy takes you through the following eight steps of developing a scenario based strategy:

  • Mission: What is the reason for the organization’s existence and what is the key to its success?
  • Trends: What is happening around us?
  • Scenarios: In which situations could we end up?
  • Options: Is our current course future-proof and, if not, what can we do to make it so?
  • Vision: Where do we want to go, who do we want to be?
  • Roadmap: How do we get there?
  • Action: from talking to acting
  • Monitoring: to stay on course

Interested? We can send you a summary of Navigate the Future by e-mail.


‘If all you have to guide you are … evolutionary skills, you’ll be in deep trouble. Hence you must build up your skills of foresight. Paul’s book is the best I know that teaches you how to do this. Read it carefully, Paul’s insights will keep you out of a lot of the trouble that merely reacting has in store for you.’
Ulrich Golüke, former Head of the Scenario Unit, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

‘In this book, Paul clearly explains how everyday tools such as visions, mission statements, budgets, scenarios and roadmaps can be combined in new ways to create a coherent and dynamic strategy appropriate to the needs of any organisation.’
Professor Dr. Peter Taylor, Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems at University of Leeds, former Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division at the International Energy Agency (IEA)

‘Paul De Ruijter’s deep insight into the theory, and practical experience in its application, come together in this excellent tool for charting the future of any company.’
Jeff Westphal, President and CEO of Vertex Inc.

‘This book has helped me to develop a new generation of strategic thinkers and leaders within IHC Merwede. Strategy is too important to leave to the few at the top. We need more eyes to see what is coming, more brains to imagine the future and more guts and hands to actually create it.’
Govert Hamers, former CEO of IHC Merwede, President and CEO of Vanderlande Industries

‘Paul de Ruijter presents a rich combination of methodology and practical, engaging examples that show us how to go about creating an agenda for the future. I only wish he had written it 20 years ago when I was a scenario planner in Eastern Europe.’
Hadley Williams, Managing Director of Human Productivity, LLC

‘A practical book that takes the reader by the hand into the essence of strategic thinking in an understandable way, but that also has a lot to offer the experienced strategist. A must read!’
Freek van Essen, Director of Corporate Strategy at Air France-KLM

‘Few people dare to think the unthinkable and are able to translate this into consequences for their own company. This book offers valuable insights to transform the many possible scenarios into a manageable and above all flexible strategy.’
Wim Boonstra, Head of Economic Research at Rabobank Nederland

‘An organization which is not ready for change in these turbulent economic and social times runs the risk of losing its right to exist. This book is just what we need. It is an extremely practical, tried and tested book for any organization wishing to determine its future course and destination.’
Captain Kees Turnhout, project secretary of the interdepartmental project ‘Future Policy Survey. A new foundation for the Netherlands’ Armed Forces’

The book can be ordered via or via Amazon.

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“Er bestaan geen slechte scenario’s, alleen slechte voorbereidingen.”

Paul de Ruijter

“Met beeld en taal kun je de toekomst nu al vormgeven.”

Jolanda van Heijningen

“Je kunt de toekomst niet voorspellen, maar je deze wel voorstellen.”

Renate Kenter

“Het verleden laat zien hoe onvoorspelbaar de toekomst is.”

Friso van Nimwegen

“De complexiteit van de toekomst vraagt om multidimensionaal denken, anticiperen en handelen.”

Sharda Tewari

“Goed voorbereid zijn is beter dan hopen dat het goed komt.”

Reinier Hattink

“Onderzoek doen naar de toekomst is het mooiste dat er is.”

Femke Pennink

“Zonder duidelijk strategisch doel ben je een speelbal van de omstandigheden.”

Kwint Kramer

“Om na te kunnen denken over de toekomst, moet je zelf de cijfers op orde hebben”

Jannie Pruimers-Lanenga

“Het ontdekken van verbanden tussen data en trends blijft fascinerend.”

Iris Lijkendijk